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#1 27-01-2013 20:30:41


Générer la liste des applications pour awesome WM

Générer la liste des applications pour awesome WM

Petit script Python pour crée une liste des applications (a partir des fichiers dans /usr/share/applications/) par catégories pour awesome WM.
Testé sur une Archlinux avec awesome 3.5

[== Indéfini ==]
#!/usr/bin/env python2

from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join

path = "/usr/share/applications/"
files = [ f for f in listdir(path) if isfile(join(path,f)) ]

Network = []
Multimedia = []
Graphics = []
Other = []

for filename in files:
	f = open(path + filename, 'r')
	name = ""
	command = ""
	categories = ""
	for line in f:
		if line[:5] == "Exec=" and command == "":
			command = line[5:-1]
			#print("cmd: "+command)
		elif line[:5] == "Name=" and name == "":
			name = line[5:-1]
			#print("name: "+name)
		elif line[:11] == "Categories=" and categories == "":
			categories = line[11:-1].split(';')
	if name != "" and command != "" and categories != "":
		name = name.replace("\"","\\\"")
		command = command.replace("\"","\\\"")
		if categories.count("Network") > 0:
			Network.append("{\""+name +"\", \""+ command+"\"}")
		elif  categories.count("AudioVideo") > 0:
			Multimedia.append("{\""+name +"\", \""+ command+"\"}")
		elif  categories.count("Graphics") > 0:
			Graphics.append("{\""+name +"\", \""+ command+"\"}")
			Other.append("{\""+name +"\", \""+ command+"\"}")
print("networkappmenu = {")
for i,app in enumerate(Network):
	if i < len(Network)-1:
		print("    "+ app +",")
		print("    "+ app)
print("multimediaappmenu = {")
for i,app in enumerate(Multimedia):
	if i < len(Multimedia)-1:
		print("    "+ app +",")
		print("    "+ app)
print("graphappmenu = {")
for i,app in enumerate(Graphics):
	if i < len(Graphics)-1:
		print("    "+ app +",")
		print("    "+ app)
print("otherappmenu = {")
for i,app in enumerate(Other):
	if i < len(Other)-1:
		print("    "+ app +",")
		print("    "+ app)
print("mymainmenu ={ items = { { \"awesome\", myawesomemenu, beautiful.awesome_icon },")
print("                                    { \"network\", networkappmenu},")
print("                                    { \"graphics\", graphappmenu},")
print("                                    { \"multimedia\", multimediaappmenu},")
print("                                    { \"other\", otherappmenu},")
print("                                    { \"open terminal\", terminal },")
print("                                    { \"reboot\", \"gksudo shutdown -r now\" },")
print("                                    { \"shutdown\", \"gksudo shutdown -Ph now\" }")
print("                                  }")
print("                        })")

L'exécution affichera le code lua à rajouter a votre rc.lua

Le code est facilement adaptable pour d'autre WM.

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