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Voici un script que j'ai découvert grâce à Checkfx sur IRC pour votre Samsung Galaxy S4 i9505 !!!
Script entièrement automatiser pour ROOTer votre mobile
Téléchargement léger
Simple code
Pas besoin de Windows ni ODIN
Assuré de fonctionner sous Linux
Installe busybox
Couvre plein de distributions Linux
Un Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-i9505
Un PC sous Linux
Versions de Linux supportées :
Ubuntu 12.10
Ubuntu 13.04
Fedora 18
OpenSuse 12.2
OpenSuse 12.3
Debian 7
CentOS 6
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6
Téléchargez le fichier ci-dessous
Copiez dans votre répertoire 'home'
Reliez votre smartphone à votre PC via le câble USB
Ouvrez un terminal
Tapez les commandes suivantes
chmod 755 S4.sh && ./S4.sh
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthr … ?t=2378289
#Creating an error function#
#For if anything goes wrong#
function error {
echo "$1"
exit 1
#Creating NotListed function
#In case the user has a Linux distro which isn't supported yet
function NotListed {
echo "Sorry, but it looks like your Linux distro/version is not supported by Heimdall"
echo "You can try compiling your own using this tutorial"
echo "http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Install_and_compile_Heimdall"
echo -n "Press [Enter] key to exit..."
read var
#Creating Heimdall install function#
#In case the user does not have it installed#
function heimdall-i {
echo "Which Linux Distro are you using?"
echo "[ 1 ] Ubuntu"
echo "[ 2 ] Fedora"
echo "[ 3 ] Archlinux"
echo "[ 4 ] OpenSuse"
echo "[ 5 ] Debian"
echo "[ 6 ] CentOS"
echo "[ 7 ] Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)"
echo "[ 99 ] Not listed above"
read os
if [[ "$os" == "1" ]]
echo "Which Ubuntu version are you running?"
echo "[ 1 ] Ubuntu 12.10 - 32 bits"
echo "[ 2 ] Ubuntu 12.10 - 64 bits"
echo "[ 3 ] Ubuntu 13.04 - 32 bits"
echo "[ 4 ] Ubuntu 13.04 - 64 bits"
echo "[ 99 ] Not listed above"
read version
if [[ "$version" == "1" ]]; then
echo "Downloading Heimdall"
wget https://bitbucket.org/benjamin_dobell/heimdall/downloads/ubuntu12.10-heimdall_1.4.0-0_i386.deb
echo "Done!"
echo "Installing it..."
sudo dpkg -i ubuntu12.10-heimdall_1.4.0-0_i386.deb && sudo apt-get install -f
elif [[ "$version" == "2" ]]; then
echo "Downloading Heimdall"
wget https://bitbucket.org/benjamin_dobell/heimdall/downloads/ubuntu12.10-heimdall_1.4.0-0_amd64.deb
echo "Done!"
echo "Installing it..."
sudo dpkg -i ubuntu12.10-heimdall_1.4.0-0_amd64.deb && sudo apt-get install -f
elif [[ "$version" == "3" ]]; then
echo "Downloading Heimdall"
wget https://bitbucket.org/benjamin_dobell/heimdall/downloads/ubuntu13.04-heimdall_1.4.0-0_i386.deb
echo "Done!"
echo "Installing it..."
sudo dpkg -i ubuntu13.04-heimdall_1.4.0-0_i386.deb && sudo apt-get install -f
elif [[ "$version" == "4" ]]; then
echo "Downloading Heimdall"
wget https://bitbucket.org/benjamin_dobell/heimdall/downloads/ubuntu13.04-heimdall_1.4.0-0_amd64.deb
echo "Done!"
echo "Installing it..."
sudo dpkg -i ubuntu13.04-heimdall_1.4.0-0_amd64.deb && sudo apt-get install -f
elif [[ "$version" == "99" ]]; then
elif [[ "$os" == "2" ]]
echo "Which Fedora version are you using?"
echo "[ 1 ] Fedora 18 - 32 bits"
echo "[ 2 ] Fedora 18 - 64 bits"
echo "[ 99 ] Not listed above"
read version
if [[ "$version" == "1" ]]; then
echo "Downloading Heimdall"
wget https://bitbucket.org/benjamin_dobell/heimdall/downloads/fedora18-heimdall-1.4.0-44.1.i686.rpm
echo "Done!"
echo "Installing it..."
sudo yum localinstall fedora18-heimdall-1.4.0-44.1.i686.rpm
elif [[ "$version" == "2" ]]; then
echo "Downloading Heimdall"
wget https://bitbucket.org/benjamin_dobell/heimdall/downloads/fedora18-heimdall-1.4.0-44.1.x86_64.rpm
echo "Done!"
echo "Installing it..."
sudo yum localinstall fedora18-heimdall-1.4.0-44.1.x86_64.rpm
elif [[ "$version" == "99" ]]; then
elif [[ "$os" == "3" ]]
echo "Which ArchLinux version are you using?"
echo "[ 1 ] ArchLinux - 32 bits"
echo "[ 2 ] ArchLinux - 64 bits"
echo "[ 99 ] Not listed above"
read version
if [[ "$version" == "1" ]]; then
echo "Downloading Heimdall"
wget https://bitbucket.org/benjamin_dobell/heimdall/downloads/arch-heimdall-1.4.0-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz
echo "Done!"
echo "Installing it..."
sudo pacman -U arch-heimdall-1.4.0-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz
elif [[ "$version" == "2" ]]; then
echo "Downloading Heimdall"
wget https://bitbucket.org/benjamin_dobell/heimdall/downloads/arch-heimdall-1.4.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
echo "Done!"
echo "Installing it..."
sudo pacman -U arch-heimdall-1.4.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.x
elif [[ "$version" == "99" ]]; then
elif [[ "$os" == "4" ]]
echo "Which OpenSuse version are you running?"
echo "[ 1 ] OpenSuse 12.2 - 32 bits"
echo "[ 2 ] OpenSuse 12.2 - 64 bits"
echo "[ 3 ] OpenSuse 12.3 - 32 bits"
echo "[ 4 ] OpenSuse 12.3 - 64 bits"
echo "[ 99 ] Not listed above"
read version
if [[ "$version" == "1" ]]; then
echo "Downloading Heimdall"
wget https://bitbucket.org/benjamin_dobell/heimdall/downloads/opensuse12.2-heimdall-1.4.0-44.1.i586.rpm
echo "Done!"
echo "Installing it..."
sudo zypper in ../S4Root/opensuse12.2-heimdall-1.4.0-44.1.i586.rpm
elif [[ "$version" == "2" ]]; then
echo "Downloading Heimdall"
wget https://bitbucket.org/benjamin_dobell/heimdall/downloads/opensuse12.2-heimdall-1.4.0-44.1.x86_64.rpm
echo "Done!"
echo "Installing it..."
sudo zypper in ../S4Root/opensuse12.2-heimdall-1.4.0-44.1.x86_64.rpm
elif [[ "$version" == "3" ]]; then
echo "Downloading Heimdall"
wget https://bitbucket.org/benjamin_dobell/heimdall/downloads/opensuse12.3-heimdall-1.4.0-44.1.i586.rpm
echo "Done!"
echo "Installing it..."
sudo zypper in ../S4Root/opensuse12.3-heimdall-1.4.0-44.1.i586.rpm
elif [[ "$version" == "4" ]]; then
echo "Downloading Heimdall"
wget https://bitbucket.org/benjamin_dobell/heimdall/downloads/opensuse12.3-heimdall-1.4.0-44.1.x86_64.rpm
echo "Done!"
echo "Installing it..."
sudo zypper in ../S4Root/opensuse12.3-heimdall-1.4.0-44.1.x86_64.rpm
elif [[ "$version" == "99" ]]; then
elif [[ "$os" == "5" ]]
echo "Which Debian version are you using?"
echo "[ 1 ] Debian 7 - 32 bits"
echo "[ 2 ] Debian 7 - 64 bits"
echo "[ 99 ] Not listed above"
read version
if [[ "$version" == "1" ]]; then
echo "Downloading Heimdall"
wget https://bitbucket.org/benjamin_dobell/heimdall/downloads/debian7-heimdall_1.4.0-0_i386.deb
echo "Done!"
echo "Installing it..."
sudo dpkg -i debian7-heimdall_1.4.0-0_i386.deb && sudo apt-get install -f
elif [[ "$version" == "2" ]]; then
echo "Downloading Heimdall"
wget https://bitbucket.org/benjamin_dobell/heimdall/downloads/debian7-heimdall_1.4.0-0_amd64.deb
echo "Done!"
echo "Installing it..."
sudo dpkg -i debian7-heimdall_1.4.0-0_amd64.deb && sudo apt-get install -f
elif [[ "$version" == "99" ]]; then
elif [[ "$os" == "6" ]]
echo "Which CentOS version are you using?"
echo "[ 1 ] CentOS 6 - 32 bits"
echo "[ 2 ] CentOS 6 - 64 bits"
echo "[ 99 ] Not listed above"
read version
if [[ "$version" == "1" ]]; then
echo "Downloading Heimdall"
wget https://bitbucket.org/benjamin_dobell/heimdall/downloads/centos6-heimdall-1.4.0-44.1.i686.rpm
echo "Done!"
echo "Installing it..."
sudo yum --nogpgcheck localinstall centos6-heimdall-1.4.0-44.1.i686.rpm
elif [[ "$version" == "2" ]]; then
echo "Downloading Heimdall"
wget https://bitbucket.org/benjamin_dobell/heimdall/downloads/centos6-heimdall-1.4.0-44.1.x86_64.rpm
echo "Done!"
echo "Installing it..."
sudo yum --nogpgcheck localinstall centos6-heimdall-1.4.0-44.1.x86_64.rpm
elif [[ "$version" == "99" ]]; then
elif [[ "$os" == "7" ]]
echo "Which RHEL version are you using?"
echo "[ 1 ] RHEL - 32 bits"
echo "[ 2 ] RHEL - 64 bits"
echo "[ 99 ] Not listed above"
read version
if [[ "$version" == "1" ]]; then
echo "Downloading Heimdall"
wget https://bitbucket.org/benjamin_dobell/heimdall/downloads/RHEL6-heimdall-1.4.0-44.1.i686.rpm
echo "Done!"
echo "Installing it..."
sudo yum localinstall RHEL6-heimdall-1.4.0-44.1.i686.rpm
elif [[ "$version" == "2" ]]; then
echo "Downloading Heimdall"
wget https://bitbucket.org/benjamin_dobell/heimdall/downloads/RHEL6-heimdall-1.4.0-44.1.x86_64.rpm
echo "Done!"
echo "Installing it..."
sudo yum localinstall RHEL6-heimdall-1.4.0-44.1.x86_64.rpm
elif [[ "$version" == "99" ]]; then
elif [[ "$os" == "99" ]]
#Creating unzip function
#In case user does not have it installed
function unzip-i {
which apt-get && manager=1
which yum && manager=2
which zypper && manager=3
which pacman && manager=4
case $manager in
echo "apt-get found..."
sudo apt-get install unzip
echo "yum found..."
sudo yum install unzip
echo "zypper found..."
sudo zypper install unzip
echo "pacman found..."
sudo pacman -S unzip
error "No package manager was found... Try installing unzip manually..."
#Initial Screen
echo "This utility will root your Galaxy S4 (GT-I9505)"
echo "Script written by XxLordxX"
echo -n "Press [Enter] key to continue..."
read var
mkdir S4Root/ #creating folder to organize better
cd S4Root/
#Checking depencies
echo "First we must be sure adb is installed!"
which adb && adbbinary=1 || adbbinary=2
case $adbbinary in
echo "adb not found..."
echo "Downloading and installing..."
wget http://www.undergroundandroid.com/developers/xLordAIOx/bin/adb
sudo cp adb /usr/bin/adb
sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/adb
echo ""
echo -n "Press [Enter] key to continue..."
read var
echo "Now we must be sure the programm Heimdall is installed"
which heimdall || heimdall-i
echo -n "Press [Enter] key to continue..."
read var
echo "Making sure unzip is installed"
which unzip || unzip-i
echo -n "Press [Enter] key to continue..."
read var
echo "Downloading busybox and su binaries and Superuser apk..."
wget http://undergroundandroid.com/developers/xLordAIOx/S4/bin/su
wget http://undergroundandroid.com/developers/xLordAIOx/S4/bin/busybox
wget http://undergroundandroid.com/developers/xLordAIOx/S4/bin/Superuser.apk
mkdir s4bin
mv su s4bin/su
mv busybox s4bin/busybox
mv Superuser.apk s4bin/Superuser.apk
echo -n "Press [Enter] key to continue..."
read var
echo "Downloading recovery..."
wget http://fs1.d-h.st/download/00056/cLG/philz_touch_5.08.0-i9505.zip
unzip philz_touch_5.08.0-i9505.zip
rm -r META-INF
echo "Dependecies download/setup complete!"
echo ""
echo -n "Press [Enter] key to proceed with root..."
read var
echo "Plug your device now"
echo "Remember to check USB Debugging on!"
echo "Also a toast screen will appear, select 'always allow' and click allow"
adb wait-for-device
echo "Device Found!"
echo -n "Press [Enter] key to reboot your device in download mode..."
read var
echo "Rebooting..."
adb reboot download
echo "You may need to read something..."
echo "Make sure you do it and press Vol+"
echo -n "Press [Enter] key when device is on download mode..."
read var
echo "Checking if device is found..."
sudo heimdall detect
echo "If it doesn't show, press Crt-C in.."
for ((i = 5; i >= 0; i--)); do
echo "$i"
sleep 1
echo "Flashing recovery..."
sudo heimdall flash --RECOVERY recovery.img
echo "Your device must be restarting now..."
adb wait-for-device
echo "Rebooting in recovery..."
adb reboot recovery
echo -n "Press [Enter] key when device booted on recovery..."
read var
echo "Please click 'Mounts and Storage Menu'"
echo "Please select 'Mount /system/'"
echo -n "Press [Enter] key when done..."
read var
echo "Rooting your device now!"
adb push s4bin/su /system/xbin/su
adb push s4bin/Superuser.apk /system/app/Superuser.apk
adb push s4bin/busybox /system/bin/busybox
echo "Done..."
echo "Press the 'Back' button and click 'Reboot System Now'"
echo "Select 'Yes' to fix permissions"
echo "After that your device may be rebooting"
echo -n "Press [Enter] key to clean up folder..."
read var
echo "Cleaning up..."
cd ..
rm -rf S4Root/
echo "Done!"
echo -n "Press [Enter] key to finish..."
read var
echo "Do you want to flash back stock recovery?"
echo "[ 1 ] Yes"
echo "[ 2 ] No"
read recovery
if [[ "$recovery" == "1" ]]
wget http://undergroundandroid.com/developers/xLordAIOx/S4/stockrecovery.img
echo "Rebooting in download mode"
adb reboot download
echo -n "Press [Enter] key when on download mode..."
read var
sudo heimdall flash stockrecovery.img
echo "Done!"
echo "Cleaning up..."
rm stockrecovery.img
echo ""
elif [[ "$recovery" == "2" ]]
echo ""
echo "Cheers!"
echo ""
echo "If you liked this work, please donate me!"
echo "Congrats for rooting your cellphone!"
echo "Hope you enjoy!"
echo -n "Press [Enter] key to exit..."
read var
Utiliser des logiciels propriétaires, c'est comme les plats préparés, on est incapable de dire les conservateurs qu'ils contiennent, on dira toujours que c'est bon, mais ça ne remplacera jamais le repas fait maison par sa maman.
]:D #! Crunchbang & Archlinux GNU/Linux User ]:D
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